Cheryl's Stuff

Content Reflection:

Over the time I spent in this course, CD 315, we covered a multitude of topics. Not only did we learn all of the essentials about the internet but we also learned how to tell if a source was credible or not. I personally learned a lot from the assignments we did on how to tell if a source is credible or not. I think that information is something that will stick with me for a long time; not only that but I’m sure that information will also be very useful for me for many years to come. We also learned how to give a good peer review this in turn also helped to give me a lesson on how to take constructive criticism from others. It took me a while to get it through my head that my peers weren’t putting down my work, they were just giving me suggestions on how to make my work better so that I could hopefully achieve a better grade in the class. Another thing that we did in this class was to keep a weekly journal. Keeping a journal was quite the task for me. I’m not a very good writer and I often don’t know what to say or how to put my thoughts into words. This journal gave me the opportunity to become more comfortable with my writing ability, I’m not totally satisfied with my writing but at least it’s improving. I can definitely tell that my writing has improved after taking this class. It seems as though now the words just flow out for me, one topic grows to make another topic. It’s neat how things just go together. Speaking of flowing together I thought it was cool how at the end when I made my unifying genre it seemed like everything flowed together. It’s almost as if I just made one big story instead of separate genres. Overall I feel that I’ve learned a great deal from taking this class.

Process Reflection:

Over the course of this semester I have come to develop a routine for completing the class assignments for this course, CD 315. Every Monday I would go to the course homepage and print off the assignments for that week. Then I would take the printed version and highlight the name of the assignment as well as the due date. This was helpful for me because that way I knew what I had to do and when it had to be done by. I would usually start working on my assignments around the middle to the end of the week. I usually started with the ones that were due first and then on Friday I would complete my weekly journal. On Sunday I would always double check to make sure I had all of my assignments turned in to meet the midnight deadline. If I didn’t have everything completed by then I would finish up and get it all done however it was very rarely that I would wait until the last minute unless I absolutely had to. The only roadblocks I encountered when completing this course was that it was very hard for me to find sources that addressed my topic. I could find things on stuttering or self-esteem but it was hard to find sources that linked the two together. Maybe I was just searching the wrong way but it was hard for me to find good credible sources.

Premise Reflection:

I honestly have to say that I don’t have any new ways of thinking since completing this project. I kind of guessed at what the outcome of my research would be and I was right. Stuttering can have a negative affect on a child’s self-esteem. I think that this is pretty evident to most people. I guess maybe I have a new way of thinking about what I view on the internet as to weither or not it’s credible or just made up. That’s really the only thing that I look at differently now. I think it’s amazing how anyone can just put anything on the internet that they want to, even if it’s not true. I’ve also kept the same processes that I use for other classes on terms of how I complete my assignments.


In the future I think that the internet is going to play a big role in my work as a speech-language pathologist. The world today is so connected by the internet and I’m sure that it will only get more connected to the internet as time goes on. The internet is a very useful tool though. I think that they internet will be able to help me in the future by keeping me up to date on the current news related to speech pathology. I will be able to learn about new therapy techniques, new ways of thinking, and also new research that has been conducted. Not only will the internet keep me up with research but it will also help me to interact with other SLP’s and clients as well. It’s so much easier to just email someone whenever you have a simple question rather than calling them and getting stuck on the phone forever catching up on lost time. I also believe that the internet is a useful tool for educating the public about things relating to speech pathology. In the future I hope to be a part of that. Maybe I can keep a webpage of useful information for the public to know about certain things like stuttering. I also think that the computer will be a big part of my job when it comes to writing formal letters, referrals, or even just writing interpretations of a clients test results. All in all I think that computers are the wave of the future, if there not already, and we will become more dependent on them as the time passes.

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There's no real reason as to why I chose stuttering and self-esteem as my project. I have just always found stuttering to be facinating. Although it was Mrs. McComas that helped me connect stuttering and self-esteem to make that my theme of my project.

Throughout the course of doing this project I have learned some useful information that I think I'll be able to carry with me when I become a speech-language pathologist. I've learned that it's very important to keep the client's self-esteem in mind because that could do some permanent damage to them. Overall, I had a good time doing this project and I'm glad that I was given the opportunity to do something so interesting and informative as this project.

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First off I would like to thank Mrs. McComas for providing me with the opportunity to complete a project such as this one. Even though at times I would get very frusterated with it, I really enjoyed learning so much about stuttering and self-esteem.

I would also like to thank my group members Rikki, Erin, and Heather for giving me such good feedback on my work. Without the help of all of you I would've been totally lost. All of you gave me such great ideas and you all helped to make my project a little better.

I would also like to thank my parents, without them none of this would've been possible. They provide me with everything I need from paying for my college, to giving me that much needed pep talk at just the right time. They're so supportive of me and I really do appreciate that.

I would also like to thank my fiance for helping make it through the hard times. Sometimes I would get so stressed out and think there's no way I can do all of this. But he always managed to make me see the bright side of things and would tell me to just take things one step at a time.

Thanks to all of you!

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